Disability Services
Due to the current pandemic we have transitioned our disability services to remote support for students. We are currently assessing the new academic platform to better identify and anticipate students’ needs. We are committed to supporting our students during these austere times.
*Please note that due to health and safety measures, there will be no in-person meetings or exam proctoring for the 2020-2021 Academic Year.
What We Do:
The Office of Disability Services, a division of Student Affairs, is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all qualified students with disabilities. The Office of Disability Services is responsible for coordinating services for students with disabilities at Huston-Tillotson University.
Eligibility for Services:
A student is eligible for accommodations if he/she:
- is a person with a disability
- has identified himself/herself to the University through Disability Services, and
- has presented appropriate documentation including diagnostic documentation from a licensed clinical professional regarding the disability.
Intake Procedures and Registration for Services:
- Provide current documentation from a professional qualified to diagnose the specific disability, which may include but is not limited to: health care providers, psychologists, diagnosticians, and/or information from a previous school (e.g., accommodation agreements/letters, 504, IEP, or ARD documents)
- Participate in an intake interview with Disability Services Coordinator .
- Disability Services staff must review all documentation and determine whether the student is eligible to receive services.
- Student must register/consent to services with Disability Services to initiate accommodations.
- Reasonable and appropriate accommodations are determined by the student and the Disability Services Coordinator based on documented needs and functional limitations of the individual.
- Students are responsible for meeting with their instructors to discuss accommodations and provide them with an accommodation letter
- The accommodation letter written by the Disability Services Coordinator will list recommendations for accommodations.
- The Accommodation Letter from Disability Services is provided to the instructor by the student.
- Letters of Accommodation may be re-evaluated with input from the instructor, the student, or additional documentation. The aim is to encourage self-advocacy skills in the individual with a disability and to include the faculty member or supervisor in the accommodations plan.
- Accommodation letters must be requested, reviewed, and reissued each semester the student expects to receive services.
- FERPA, HIPAA and all other laws of confidentiality are observed strictly. All individuals seeking services must sign a release of information statement which promotes dialogue among office staff, the student, and the instructor or service provider on a need-to-know basis.
NOTE: Because each student’s situation is unique, ODS requires that any interested student meet with us. Documentation requirements vary by situation and The Disability Services Coordinator will talk to the student about documentation during the initial interview. Documentation of a disability is intended to assist both students and Disability Services in assuring that documentation demonstrates a functional impact on one or more major life activities and supports the requested accommodation(s). Accommodations are considered effective after the student completes the Disability Services intake interview, submits appropriate and complete documentation, and has presented and discussed his/her accommodation letter with instructors or professors. For testing accommodations, the student must notify Disability Services at least 3 days prior to the test to coordinate test proctoring (ODS is not offering exam proctoring during the 2020-2021 academic year. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Important note for those with mobility impairments: If a class, program or staff office is inaccessible to you please contact Disability Services to discuss alternatives and solutions, including but not limited to relocation.
Helpful Resources for Students
Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services supports people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain and advance in meaningful employment by providing of range of services based on an individual’s employment goals.
Visit Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Website
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